is an online and retail crystal and mineral shop located in Encinitas, California. Selling all kinds of healing crystals from around the world. Specializing in healing quartz such as Lemurian Seed Crystals, Clear Quartz Clusters, Quartz with Epidote or Dream Quartz, Super 7 or Melody's Stone and many other crystals to assist you on your spiritual journey. |

Flash | XML | XHTML | CSS | PhotoShop | Javascript showcases the work of renowned Portland Architect, Stuart Emmons and his firm Emmons Architects. Best known for his modern design of fire stations, including Fire 9 on Southeast 39th in the Hawthorne neighborhood, Emmons is also heading the redesign and urban planning of the North Macadam industrial yards. We developed a site that showcased his extensive portfolio with a minimalist user-interface.


XHTML | CSS | PHP | PhotoShop | Javascript | SEO is a free class reunion site that offers a place for people to organize their reunions. The site is live but is currently in a BETA development stage. is still a current work in progress.


XHTML | CSS | PHP | PhotoShop | Javascript | SEO | Advertising offers yellow pages and city guides for 24,000 US cities. The design is focused on ease-of-use and simplicity. Our extensive search engine optimization has brought to over 1,500,000 unique visitors per month. We integrated custom advertising systems and developed a custom admin tool for managing the yellow pages data. is still currently one of our clients and we continue to add features and improve the content of the site daily.


XHTML | CSS | PHP | PhotoShop | Javascript | SEO is part of a network of internet yellow pages for metropolitan cities in the US. Over 200 domains with the Be* format use the template that we created. This network of sites is still a work in progress and we continue to make improvements on a weekly basis.


XHTML | CSS | PHP | Streaming Media | Web Hosting | e-Commerce | PhotoShop | Javascript
Forget about 360 degree panoramas and Quicktime VR demos! provides professional filmed tours of real estate listings in the Portland area.


Flash | PhotoShop | HTML | XML | JavaScript
From multimedia demos and photo tours to international promo graphics, view some of the work that was created for Xerox while working for the Xerox Office Group.


e-Commerce | PhotoShop | Illustrator | HTML | JavaScript
The LoneStar Badge & Sign corporate website showcases all of the e-commerce sites that they operate.


Flash | HTML | CSS | PhotoShop | Illustrator | Streaming Media | Web Hosting
Created for the Austin Texas band The Guest, this website uses a combination of Flash and HTML and offers information, photos and mp3 downloads.


Flash | HTML | CSS | PhotoShop | Illustrator
A virtual tour for the "Storytelling, One Stitch at a Time" exhibit at the Texas Memorial Museum in Austin Texas. This site is now being used as a permanent kiosk in the museum.
